Bayside Pool Inspections
Pool Fencing Specialists
Q - Why do I need to have my pool fence inspected?
A - On 1 December 2019, new laws came into effect that requires councils to keep a register of all pools/spas and for pool/spa owners to have their pool fences inspected and approved
Q - How much does it cost?
A - The cost of the process can be broken down into the following fees.
One off fee payable to council for that cannot be greater than $79.08 for the registration of pool and confirmation of year the pool was construction and the standards that are applicable.
A fee for the inspection and issue of the Certificate of Swimming Pool Barrier Compliance. Bayside Pool Inspections charge $395 inc. GST.
A fee payable to council when you lodge the Certificate of Swimming Pool Barrier Compliance of $20.45.
Q When does the pool need to be inspected by?
A - There is a phased roll of out of the inspection program. You should have had your pool or spa registered with council by 1 November 2020. Depending on when the pool or spa was construction you will need to have it inspected AND APPROVED by the following dates.
1 June 2022 for pools/spas built before 30 June 1994
1 June 2023 for pools/spas built between 9 July 1994 and 30 April 2010
1 June 2024 for pools/spas built between 1 May 2010 and 31 October 2020
For pools/spas built after 1 November 2020 a Certificate of Swimming Pool Barrier Compliance will be issued by the building survey that issued the building permit for the pool barrier and you must provided it to council within 30 days.​
Q How much does an inspection cost?​
Inspections and certificates of compliance cost from $395 in the Melbourne Bayside suburbs. Additional inspections (if required) will be charged at a minimum of $295. If additional travel time is required to attend your property you will be advised of any change in pricing prior to bookings being confirmed.
Q - How often do I need to have my pool fence inspected?
A - Your pool/spa fence will need to be reinspected every 4 years and the new Certificate of Swimming Pool Barrier Compliance provided to council.
Q - Council have previously inspected my pool fence so do I need to do it again?
A - Yes, this new law overrides all previous pool inspection programs that councils may have undertaken.
Q How do I know if my fence currently complies?
A - The Victorian Building Authority as released a number of self inspection guides that can be downloaded below.
Q What if the inspection is refused?
A - If the inspection is refused then owners have 60 days to rectify any issues and have the fence re-inspected. If after an a subsquent inspection the pool fence is still non-compliant the issues must be rectified within 7 days. Should, a third and final inspection still reveal non-compliances then the matter must immediately be referred to council.
Q Can you come out and give us advice?
A - Unfortunately not, as soon as a pool inspector visits your property the Building Regulations require them to issue notices to upgrade a fence if it does not comply.

Located in the Melboure suburb of Hampton, Bayside Pool Inspections have over 20 years experience inspecting swimming pool fencing. We are fully licenced with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) and insured for all work carried out and service the following local government council areas.
Port Phllip
Glen Eira